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DORS offers two scholarships for the EURO PhD School ‘Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization’

Call for participation in EURO PhD School

‘Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization’

IMUS-Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville

July 10-19, 2020

The Danish OR Society (DORS) is pleased to announce two scholarships to cover the registration fees of the EURO PhD School on ‘Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization’, that will take place at IMUS-Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, July 10-19, 2020.

The EURO PhD School on ‘Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization’ will focus on giving participants advanced training on Data Driven Decision Making. There will be a methodological as well as an applied component to this EURO PhD School. Methodological training on the role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science will be given in the format of lectures and computer workshops. The lectures will highlight the mathematical and statistical modeling and numerical optimization behind data analysis and data visualization tools. The computer workshops will make this knowledge actionable. Applications of the acquired knowledge to the modeling of specific industrial problems will be presented by professionals from industry and worked out by the PhD students. Mathematical and statistical models and numerical solution approaches will be developed and communicated, following a collaborative approach, in which the PhD students will work in small groups under the guidance of the instructors.

Chairs of the Scientific Committee

Prof Emilio Carrizosa

IMUS-Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, Spain

Prof Dolores Romero Morales

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

To apply to the DORS scholarships the candidates are required to have basic knowledge of Mathematical Optimization, Operations Research or Statistical Data Analysis. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received support from EURO for other PhD schools, and to applicants that are members of DORS.

Applications should be submitted via email to, with the subject “Application to EURO PhD School in Seville”. For the application the following documents are needed:

  • Curriculum Vitae from the applicant

  • A letter of motivation from the applicant to attend EURO PhD School

  • Recommendation letter from the PhD supervisor

The applications will be reviewed by DORS. The committee will consider (amongst other criteria): the excellence of the applicants, the area they are working in, and the benefit to the PhD student of attending the EURO PhD School.

Each DORS scholarship covers the registration fee of the EURO PhD School including: (i) accommodation, (ii) meals, and (iii) social activities.

Important dates: January 15, 2020 Deadline for application for DORS scholarships February 1, 2020 Notification of acceptance decision

July 10-19, 2020 EURO PhD School on Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization



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